東京港区で30年の実績 最先端のセキュリティ機器に習熟したプロ集団がお客様に最適な防犯システムをご提案します。



プライバシーマーク sdgs 03-5777-0109

東京港区で28年の実績 最適な防犯システムをご提案します。



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  • About Spacexpress

Message from the President

No matter how powerful today’s technologies are, it cannot eliminate crimes. Far from it, with the world becoming an increasingly borderless place, the number of crimes (in Japan) is on the rise.

Our company name, SPAC Express takes the initials from the words, Security, Peace, Amenity and Creation, showing our determination in providing our customers with a secure, peaceful environment that is created to fit their needs, and delivered speedily.

All our security equipment and systems are professionally tested and are of top quality. We believe that security equipment and systems one would want to install in their own homes or offices, or recommend to families and friends are genuinely good. We think of each customer as our own family or close friend, so we are serious about recommending the best system to fit your needs.

We will continue serving the society not only through our products and skills, but also by offering our time, and continue being an innovative and active player in helping to create a better community.

We look forward to working with you.


Company Name SPAC EXPRESS co.ltd.
Head Office 3F, Eishin Kaihatsu Building, 5-34-3 Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0004, Japan
Office center 3F, Eishin Kaihatsu Building, 5-34-3 Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0004, Japan
TEL:03-5777-010903-5777-0109 FAX:03-5402-3658
※Please send us an Email regarding inquiries about our products or business. (One of the following staff will be responding to your Emails: Mr. Wada, Ms. Inaba, Mr. Kanbayashi
Shinbashi Head Office 1F Hisamatsu Building, 5-7-1 Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0004, Japan
Nihonbashi Office 1F Kurihara Building, 9-13 Hisamatu-tyo Nihonbashi, tyuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0005, Japan
Capital Amount 30 million yen
Found July 1989
Establishment November 2000
Licenses Construction license obtained from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government for telecommunications business and electrical work
Privacy Mark Certification Number 10580018
President Isao Miyake
Board Director Takeshi Wada
Board Director Tadanobu Koseki
Executive Officer Kota Beppu
Company Overview 44 members (including part-time staff)
Relationship Banks Mizuho Bank, Ltd. Shinbashi-Chuo Branch, The Shoko Chukin Bank, Ltd., The Shiba Shinkin Bank Head Office
We are a member of the following organizations East Japan Miwa SD Group, Tokyo Security Promotion and Cooperation Group, Japan Lock Security, Japan Security Systems Association (a public interest incorporated association), ALSOK KYOEIKAI (co-prosperity group), ANABUKI CESAR SUPPORT, KANTO EIYUKAI
Main Business Partners Nihon Lock Service Co., Ltd., Security House Center Co., Ltd., MIWA LOCK Co., LTD., dormakaba Japan Co., Ltd., FUKI Co., Ltd., TOHO METAL INDUSTRIES CO., LTD., Japan Security System Corporation, HOCHIKI CORPORATION, NSS Inc., SYNCHRO Co., LTD., Tenpo Planning Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd., (random order)
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